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The dream of refugee girl about Olympics came true

Mardini Syrian girl Yusra has been subjected to restrictions as a refugee from war-torn country that many people can not even begin to imagine and now wants to go to the Olympics to Rio de Janeiro.

Muogoleaji man aged 18 was walking in Turkey, made the arduous journey to the dangerous sea using boats to the Greek island of Lesbos and procedures found himself in the middle of Europe and sister before arriving Berlin in 2015. "It's an opportunity to unique life, a very good opportunity, really good and no one will have this opportunity, so I think I will be diligent about it.

Now it is part of a group of 43 refugees were recognized and selected by the International Olympic Committee - IOC have that Olympic Athletes To Watch and are given support in their pursuit of qualification in the games.

Mardini, who made the game a swimming Syria at home, he sought to help him see the edge of the club soon after arriving Berlin. He found that opportunity in the sport of swimming club of Spandau Wasserfreunde "We work very hard to qualify. I think that's been my dream when I was 12 years old, or since I started kuogolea. We work hard to succeed, everyone helped me, so I think ntafuzu.

Refugees who graduated with a team of between sportsmen 5 and 10 in the tournament Rio will participate as a team tifauti known as the Sportsmen refugees Olympics: They will live in the same area with the other teams and will have the same rights as the only sports some 11,000.


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